Monday, April 26, 2010

Solidworks video tutorial about how to Apply solidworks simulation stress analysis tool to Hand wheel

solidworks simulation  is a first pass stress analysis tool for SolidWorks users. It helps you judge whether your part will withstand the loading it will receive under real-world conditions according to factor of safety. 


COSMOSXpress uses a wizard to provide an easy to use, step by-step method of performing design analysis. The wizard requires several pieces of information in order to analyze the part: materials, restraints and loads. This information represents the part as it is used. For example, consider whathappens when you turn the handwheel. The hub is attached to something that resists turning. This is represented by a restraint - the hub is restrained so it doesn’t move. A force is applied to the hole in the rim as you attempt to turn the handwheel. This is a load. What happens to the spokes? Do they bend? Will they break? This depends on the strength of the material the hand wheel is made of, the physical size and shape of the spokes, and the size of the load.


In order to analyze the model, COSMOSXpress automatically meshes the model, breaking it up into smaller, easier-to-analyze pieces. These pieces are called elements.

Although you never see the elements, you can set the coarseness of the mesh prior to the analysis.


The analysis produces results in the forms of Factor of Safety, Stress Distribution and Deformed Shape.

Using the Wizard

The design analysis wizard walks you through the steps of analysis, from Options to Results. The steps are:

  • Options
Setup the type of units that are commonly used for materials, loads and results.

  • Material
Choose a material for the part from the standard library or input your own.

  • Restraint
Select faces of the part that remain in place (fixed) during the analysis. These are sometime called constraints.

  • Load
Add external loads such as forces and pressures to induce stress and to deform the part.

  • Analyze
Run the analysis, optionally setting the coarseness of the mesh used.

  • Results
View the results of the analysis: Factor of Safety (FOS), Stress and Deformations. This is sometimes called postprocessing.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Hand wheel Design tutorial based on Revolved features

These solidworks tutorials about Revolved features throw hand wheel Design Hand wheel divided in to 3 solids the hub and Rim connecting with third solid The spokes

Hub dimension (mm)

Rim dimension (mm)
spoke dimension(mm)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

solidworks tutorials Mirror and Pattern

In this solidworks tutorial  you will learn 

how to make Mirror and Pattern for solidworks part

linear and curved pattern for 3d model part